Saturday, September 28, 2013

I'm still here

It's been a pretty busy month for me and everyone involved in my projects.  I am working on a new handyman post.  It's s lot of pictures and it's taking me some time between work and home to get our finished and posted. 

The iphone launch came and went.  Samsung announced its note 3 and smart watch. More gun violence in the news.  Winter is coming! !!!!!!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Server OS instillation finally completed.

           It has been a long road to get to where we are now. We ended up using Debian for the OS. After getting a compatible Graphics card, it was only a matter of time before we were able to get the hardware and software to function properly together after effectively setting up the software parameters.

Log in screen up and running. secured and all. Found a few important application packages and updates that I applied immediately.
Here is the Desktop. Nice, simple and fully functional. Will keep you up to date with the blog setup and instillation. Now I can start concentrating on some hardware work. I have to prep the final home for the server and setup the security system for The Lab.